Projects I've Done/Am Doing


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This project is one I did at the end of my bachelor's degree. It is a campground management system which gives the campground host the ability to make new sites with your classic CRUD funcitonality, add amenities to the sites, manage reservations.

Regular users can create an account, view campsites, make reservations and pay for their reservation using the Stripe plugin.

The stack is C# ASP.NET Core 6, Razor Pages for the fronted and a SQL Server database. I implemented EF Core, and the generic repository design with dependency injection.

A couple of the plugins (NuGet packages) I used were Stripe for payment and DataTables for displaying and paginating data.

I also created my own form of pagination for the sites themselves because DataTables didn't play well with those models.

This was a fun project to work on, the backend part was the most fun, but I was surprised to find that I liked doing the frontend as well, even though that's definitely my weakest point (I have no eye for design).

My Personal Site (this one)

I wanted to branch out a little bit in my web app knowledge and learn new tools. So, I made this site using the Astro JavaScript framework.

I have messed around with Javascript frameworks before, namely React for another academic project where we added our own modules to an open source project called MagicMirror.

I saw an interview with one of the main devs of Astro on their release of Astro 3 and decided to give it a shot. I have really enjoyed playing around with it. I feel like it has a way lower barrier for entry than React, and it has a very robust set of documentation and implementation tools.

This project is really how I jumped into learning CI/CD. The hosting platform Netlify has some sweet Github work flow integration, which honestly makes deploying effortless.

I also built an rss feed for any poor souls who want to access my ramblings from my blog that way.